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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Stabilised Rammed Earth made of?
Stabilised Rammed Earth is constructed by pneumatically ramming a mixture of selected local natural aggregates, including gravel, sand, silt and a small amount of clay, into place between flat panels called formwork. A small amount of cement (typically 5–10%) is used in conjunction with a natural water repelling additive to stabilise the material and increase strength and durability to ensure complete water proofing to last for generations to come.

I am in a bushfire prone area so is Stabilised Rammed Earth ok for this?
Stabilised Rammed Earth is one of the best possible choices for a fire prone area as earth does not burn. Stabilised Rammed Earth walls have a fire rating of 4 hours of direct flame according to the Building Code of Australia. Stablilised Rammed Earth is one of the rare products identified as being suitable for high fire risk areas in the Building Code of Australia.

Can you only build straight walls?
No, we can also build curved walls. We can build specialised formwork to accommodate whatever shape you have in mind.

How much does it cost?
Every project with Stabilised Rammed Earth is so unique and is working with variables such as location, access, design, topography, size and timeframes that providing a standard price is not realistic. Caldera Earth Constructions provides a free initial consultation so they can better understand the project you have in mind and assist you in determining your budget requirements.

How are Stabilsied Rammed Earth walls energy efficient?
Stabilised Rammed Earth provides a high thermal mass and when used in conjunction with passive solar design, they optimise the ability to create heat and cool sinks depending on the time of year.

How are Stabilised Rammed Earth walls finished?
Stabilised Rammed Earth is a finished product however if you want a “glossier” finish then a clear, water-based sealant can be used to modify the finished look.

Can I hang things off the walls and attach things to them?
Absolutely! One of the many great features of Stabilised Rammed Earth is that you don’t need to worry about stud fixings, you can attach things wherever you like using masonry screws.

What size are the walls?
Caldera Earth Constructions can build walls to your desired width. Typically, external walls are 300mm thick and internal walls are 200mm. If you want to have insulation added to the walls then these are built at least 400mm thick to accommodate this. Caldera Earth Constructions can build 300mm, 400mm, 500mm or 600mm- you are only limited by your imagination.

Where do the pipes and wires go?
As the Stabilised Rammed Earth structure is built the pipes and wiring are incorporated into the walls based on the agreed plans.

Contact us today to arrange a Free Initial Consultation

Caldera Earth Constructions

P.O Box 8136 Dunoon. NSW. 2480


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